Ready to have your offers stand out as the BEST & ONLY CHOICE in the crowded, online market?

AI YOUR PROGRAM {VIP} is a done-for-you, AI-development program that will boost your client results, 5X your revenue, and increase your reputation by building cutting-edge CustomGPTs for your offers.


You've spent years creating unique programs and courses you're proud of...

And although you love your offer and you’re making sales, there are a few things you wish you could finally SQUASH for good: 

→ Repetitive questions.
It feels like you’re spending hours on calls answering the same questions, brainstorming the same topics, or teaching how to apply your frameworks - and you wish you had a way to speed this up for your clients (and for yourself!).

→ Sluggish client wins.
Right now it feels like only a small portion of clients share wins - and you’re ready to see ALL of your clients jump in and take action FASTER so you can have more happy clients and boost your reputation as the expert.

→ Slow or reduced enrollments.
You’re hitting “good” launch numbers but you’re ready for it to be GREAT. You know you need to make a change to your offer so it stands out as the CLEAR choice so you can see more people say YES to your offers every launch.

→ Low renewal rates or upsells.
ou want to reduce churn and make your program even more STICKY. You need a way to make people come and STAY so you boost client retention and make more money for every new client you bring in.

All of this has you wondering...

What's my offer MISSING that will WOW new leads, CONVERT perfect-fit clients, and RETAIN loyal ones?

Here's what you DON’T want to do...

Create more templates or worksheets - Client’ don’t want to spend tons of time, creative thought, and energy figuring out what information to put in a cookie-cutter templates. They want personalized support that reflects their unique goals and business.

Add more coaching calls or hire a support coach - Clients don’t want to have to make MORE space on their calendar just to have to wait DAYS to get on yet another call. They don’t need more support - they want the results they came for - as fast and easy as possible.

Rework your entire offer - Re-recording your curriculum is a huge drain on your time and energy and doesn’t do much to make your offer stand out to potential clients.

None of these things help you deliver faster, more personalized, or easier results that BOOSTS client wins or bring you more sales.
But here’s what will...
CustomGPTs & AI-Chatbots


AI Your Program {VIP} is an exclusive, done-for-you, fast-paced program for Coaches & Program Creators who want to bring CustomGPTs into their offers quickly, and not have to figure it out on their own.

We’ll build 3-4 CustomGPTs based on your proprietary frameworks, curriculum, or process - and hand them over to your clients so they can get FASTER, BIGGER, and BETTER wins inside your offer.

Hold up - What’s a CustomGPT?
Think of a CustomGPT like a personalized version of ChatGPT.
It has a specific set of built-in prompts, instructions, and details - and knows exactly how to respond and what to output based on the User's input.
Your clients will LOVE using yourCustomGPT 24/7 to brainstorm, solve problems, and see wins.
YOU will love how having CustomGPTs boosts your reputation, revenue, and re-signs in your offer.

Build Once & Use On-Repeat.

After your CustomGPTs are built and integrated into your program, you will:

  • See clients get results 50-75% FASTER than ever before. because your CustomGPTs get clients taking action with ease.
  • Cut your coaching hours in HALF (and still have happy clients😍). You can say GOODBYE to the long client calls or repetitive Qs - now you have a tool that can give personalized support 24/7.
  • BOOST retention and renewals while you reduce churn.
    Your offer will be super-sticky and clients will renew to keep access to your exclusive CustomGPTs.
  • DOUBLE your enrollments with a feature that grabs attention & brings in new clients. People will see your offer isn’t just another course with long video lessons ~ it’s an actionable offer that will bring them tangible results!
  • Make happy clients for LIFE. They see you as the expert who is committed to making things fast, easy, and SIMPLE for them to succeed.
  • Elevate your REPUTATION as the best at what you do.
    You'll have BIG client wins coming out of your offers EVERYDAY.
  • Feel confident SCALING-UP your offer without the fear of being overwhelmed or having to hire a big team to fulfill client requests. Your CustomGPTs give you the added support with no overwhelm or people-management needed.

The value that CustomGPTs add to your program will allow you to scale from 5- or 6-figures to a 7-figure money machine.


Clients Are Saying…

"I just did my first {VIP} Session with Wendy. It was crazy-good!

We laid out exactly how to use AI in my programs to not only get my clients better results but SO MUCH FASTER...

But I also have so many creative ideas for how I'm going to take my already great offer and make it unbelievable. What Wendy helped me create makes it insanely sellable! If you're not doing this - you're missing out. She makes it soooo easy!"

~ Jacqueline Yvette, Marketing & Messaging Expert

"Wendy doesn't cut corners and is really dedicated to creating the best CustomGPTs out there for your program and services.

"I wanted to uplevel my program and have more proprietary information regarding AI that was not just prompt. I also wanted to find a way for my students to get better results in a shorter time without having to master AI on their own.

As much as I'd love to learn everything myself, I knew I couldn't in the time period I had to work with, so I decided to work with Wendy. She is so smart, and really thinks through everything step-by-step. The whole process was so doable and low-lift.

Wendy did all the strategy and creation for me - I'm forever grateful how she fast-tracked the process and I got a high-quality CustomGPTs from our work together."

~ Brenna McGowan, Launch Strategist & Copywriter

Double enrollments, renewals, & referrals.
See clients get results 50-75% faster.

How it Works...

STEP 1 ~

During this first call, we'll map out the 3-4 CustomGPTs you'd like to build in our time together. 

We’ll review:

  • Your unique business goals and challenges
  • Decide together which CustomGPTs would best solve those problems
  • Choose the first CustomGPT we’ll create
  • How you can start using your CustomGPTs as selling points to attract new clients ASAP - even if your next launch is around the corner

STEP 2 ~

After our initial intensive, I'll create and test your first CustomGPT. Typically your first CustomGPT is ready in ONE week!

We’ll review it together and make any final tweaks. You’ll walk away with a CustomGPT that delivers high-quality outputs that reflect your unique approach and will support your clients in seeing bigger and faster wins in your offers.

STEP 3 ~

We’ll repeat this process (call ➝ create ➝ review!) over throughout the 4-6 weeks together until we’ve built 3-4 CustomGPTs for your unique offer.

By the end, you’ll have everything you need to:

  • Confidently add user-friendly CustomGPTs to your program
  • Begin marketing the benefits + using CustomGPTs as a stand-out selling point
  • Have clients see BIGGER and FASTER wins than ever before
  • Build your reputation as the BEST expert in your space

Lovely Words From Clients…

"We created four customized AI-chatbot tools for my private membership in less than a month!

Wendy has an all-encompassing knowledge of AI and understands how to use it to improve programs.

I feel confident that my current members, as well as potential members, will be wild by these new features! These are a must-have feature that would really help my clients to save time.

It also will enhance our coaching sessions because people can get basic things done prior to coming to coaching calls. It’s also going to allow my coaching staff to coach my perspective now that it has been encapsulated in the AI program.

~ Brandi Jordan, The Cradle Company, Business Coach

"The AI tools Wendy helped me create have brought me clarity on what I want to say and whom I'm speaking and saved me hours in writing copy.

It does the heavy lifting and I simply get to refine. Now I look forward to writing copy for emails, posts and even sales pages. Such a game changer. Every entrepreneur should get this tools. Its a no-brainer!"

~ Bolutiwi Aiyesimoju, The Transformation Alchemist

How I've used CustomGPTs To Help My Clients Scale...

I’m Wendy Breakstone, AI/ChatGPT Educator with years of experience in helping action-takers like you break through the noise and create offers that stand out. 

Since the launch of ChatGPT at the end of 2022, I've been leveraging AI inside my business and in my programs to help myself and clients achieve faster results. By integrating these tools, we've slashed the time it used to take them by an average of 30%.

Knowing the full POWER of AI - I was tired of seeing brilliant experts only dip their toes in AI but never committing because they felt held back by time, tech, and learning curves.

So, I created AI YOUR PROGRAM {VIP} as a DFY option that would help you leverage AI in your offers without you having to do the heavy-lifting of learning, tweaking, and implementing all on your own.

With 20+ years of marketing and project management experience under my belt, I've helped hundreds of businesses create powerful yet simple business systems and marketing strategies and I can’t wait to support YOU next!

What's Waiting for You Inside...

Minimum of 3 CustomGPTs Designed for your Offer

We'll build 3-4 CustomGPTs tailored and designed for your frameworks and program.
These aren’t cookie-cutter GPTs (there's no "one size fits all"). 

I design and build your CustomGPTs to fit your frameworks, concepts, and approach so they are completely unique and exclusive to you and your business.

Roadmap & Review Calls

We’ll meet FOUR times over 4-6 weeks to map out, define, review, and fine-tune your CustomGPTs during your sessions.

You won’t need to get into the weeds on learning how to build it yourself - I’ll build the CustomGPTs for you and incorporate your thoughts and feedback along the way.

Slack Communication Between Calls & Follow-Up Support

Inside Slack, we'll share ideas and transfer crucial info back and forth. You’ll have me at your fingertips for brainstorming, troubleshooting, and getting all the feedback you need to keep things moving fast.

You also get FOUR weeks of follow-up support while you introduce your CustomGPTs to your clients and work through any refinements to the CustomGPTs that are needed.

CustomGPT Foundations Training

You'll have access to my quick CustomGPT Foundations training so that you have a solid understanding of the types of CustomGPTs we'll build together and will answer all the top FAQs you may have about CustomGPTs.

*Bonus* Email Profit Framework + GPT System

You’ll get access to my Email Profit Framework - a great example of a CustomGPT that is able to create compelling content in minutes (not hours) that transforms leads into loyal customers. This CustomGPT can bang out 10+ marketing and sales emails in under a minute.

AI YOUR PROGRAM {VIP} has everything you need to cut your coaching hours in half, and get your clients bigger and faster results than ever before.

This Is for You If...

  •  You have a B2B program or course with proven results.
  • You want to increase the VALUE and REPUTATION of your program and be able to charge premium prices for your offers in today's crowded online space.
  • You want to enhance your offer with cutting-edge AI without overhauling your entire program or spending hours learning how to build it yourself

This is NOT for You If...

  • You don't have a proven offer or process which we can built CustomGPTs for
  • You’re opposed to using AI to speed up your client’s learning, work, or results
  • You rather take the time to learn the ins-and-outs of AI for yourself (then click here!)

By joining today, you’ll get instant access to onboarding and your first strategic call to plan your CustomGPT builds and watch your business attract more enrollments, and position itself as the go-to choice for your ideal clients.

You'll have powerful, user-friendly CustomGPTs and AI-Chatbots to integrate into your programs, courses, and offers so you 5x your revenue and slash your delivery time in half.

$3000 Pay-In-Full
(Payment Plan available)

To get started, simply book a call.

On this no-obligation call, we’ll talk about your unique business goals and challenges. II’ll walk you through how CustomGPTs can help boost your client results, expert reputation, and profit.

This is a Done-For-You, high-touch program, space is extremely limited. 

Please book a call to apply now - or reach out on Facebook Messenger.

Lovely Words From Clients…

“If you want to be ahead of your competition,
do yourself a favor and go through this program!

I’ve spent over $50k on programs and courses for my business since 2020 and not all of them delivered on their promise. Wendy's AI Your Program was MIND BLOWING!

I was an early adopter of AI, so I have learned a lot in the last two years. Nothing I've seen compares to what Wendy shared in this program. Now that I've created three custom GPTs, I'm even more excited at how this will elevate what my Visibility Incubator clients can do in their businesses. And the time they will save is an added benefit.

If you want to be ahead of your yourself a favor and go through this program!”

~ Joyce Layman, Marketing &Visibility Coach

"Such an excellent programme!

Wendy is laser-focused on helping you build intelligent, bespoke AI-powered tools to enhance your existing programs. Why? Becasue she cares about excellence and values digital innovation, and she wants to help you create a customer journey that results in rapid and REAL student success.

I learned so much about AI and best-in-class program design & delivery from Wendy."

~ SidneyEve Matrix, User-Designer Expert & Business Coach


Book a call above or message me on Facebook to see if this is a good fit for your program or offer. As soon as you enroll, you’ll receive onboarding information, and we’ll set up your first call. This can generally happen within one week of enrolling.

It's all good. Since this is a Done-For-You program, I'll take care of the techy stuff and teach you how to launch it to your clients.

Not at all! AI YOUR PROGRAM {VIP}i s designed to help you enhance and maximize your existing program -- not overhaul it completely.

If you’re got a proven offer (could be a program, course, service - and at any price point) and now you’re ready to make your offer stand out, double enrollments, and do it all with ease in a quick six weeks time—you’re ready.

Don’t Wait to Integrate CustomGPTs Into Your Offers.

Take action now so that...

  • You don’t let another re-sign period pass without a COMPELLING reason for your clients to stay. With CustomGPTs, you’ll boost your revenue simply by boosting RETENTION because clients won’t want to lose access to your CustomGPTs
  • Your clients can see results 50-75% FASTER without you having to spend hours re-recording your curriculum, creating new workbooks, hiring an expensive co-coach, or cluttering your calendar with more calls
  • Your 2X your next launch sales because you’ve got unique and exclusive tools clients can’t find ANYWHERE else
  • You show up as a LEADER - not a copycat. You know the AI revolution is here, and you’re ready to lead the next generation of AI-powered offers instead of playing catch up

Are You Ready to Supercharge Your Offer with AI?

Join AI YOUR PROGRAM {VIP} and have cutting-edge CustomGPTs that will make your program stand out as the best and only choice in your niche.